Joseph Clen, S.H.
Mr. JOSEPH CLEN (“CLEN”) is the Co-Founder and Managing Partner of CHR. He is the Director of Bankruptcy and Suspension of Debt Payment Practice Group.
Graduated with Honor (Cum Laude) and Best Graduate from Parahyangan Catholic University as a Bachelor’s Degree in Law, where He was a Valedictorian (2016). While in Law School, Mr. Clen has been awarded scholarship from Parahyangan Catholic University Foundation “Dana Lestari” for several times (from 2013 until 2016); Also, He acknowledged as a Top Ranked Student in 2013, 2014, and 2015. He also served as part of the prestigious Parahyangan Catholic Unversity National Moot Court Society (KMPSN – Komunitas Mahasiswa Peradilan Semu Nasional) as a Delegates for several National-Level Moot Court Competition; and He ends his tenure as the Society’s Advisor.
Mr. CLEN has dedicated Himself for being a lawyer since He was still in University; after viewing many socio-economic injustices as He enjoy being able to provide strong advocacy to His client every day, Especially for the poor and marginal group. During his study, He was also actively involved in Parahyangan Catholic University “Pengayoman” Legal Aid Institute and has faced dozens of cases every single day, which sharpen his ability to work under pressure and in a long hour. Although he is a fresh graduate, his experience in litigation field in undoubtedly fascinating. A top-notch legal analyst, He often speaks at, among others, several radio stations in Bandung, penitentiary facilities, and public event, giving a free legal consultation for the society. He also responsible for handled the Legal Aid Institue Library and Chief of Staff, which proven Him has a broad range of knowledge in law.
Currently, Mr. CLEN is an Advocate and a member of Indonesian Bar Association (PERADI) and Indonesian Advocates’ Association (AAI); As well as the registered Receiver and Administrator from Indonesian Receiver and Administrator Association (AKPI).
Beside the lawyering life, Mr. Clen devoted His life to Elegance Menswear with Sprezzatura and Parisian-Esque Formal Attire. Having a micro-blog about “Sartorial” on Medium, X (formerly Twitter), and Instagram; He wrote numerous posts about Men’s Fashion and High-Tailoring (Suits, Shoes, Tie, Shirt, also another Gentleman Vogue and Lifestyle).
Bachelor of Law
Parahyangan Catholic University (UNPAR)
(Cum Laude, Valedictorian)
Professional Affiliations
Perhimpunan Advokat Indonesia (PERADI)
Asosiasi Advokat Indonesia (AAI) – Maju Bersama
Receiver & Administrator
Asosiasi Kurator dan Pengurus Indonesia (AKPI)